GK Questions With Answers in English : 200+ Important GK Questions in 2023

If you were looking for GK questions with answers in English then your search ends here.

Regardless of age, occupation, or hobbies, general knowledge (GK) is crucial for everyone. It improves our comprehension of the outside world and helps us become more knowledgeable citizens. You’ve come to the correct site if you’re seeking for a thorough list of GK questions and answers.

There are 200 significant GK questions in English in this article, which covers many different subjects like science, geography, history, current events, and more.

GK Questions With Answers in English from Science :


1. What organelle is often referred to as the “cell’s powerhouse”?

Answer: Mitochondria

2. During photosynthesis, what gas do plants take in from the atmosphere?

Answer: Carbon dioxide (CO2)

3. What is the chemical symbol for the element oxygen?

Answer: O

4. Which is the body’s largest organ?

Answer: Skin

5. What is the biological process through which green plants create their own food using sunlight?

Answer: Photosynthesis

6. When humans exhale, which gas is primarily released into the atmosphere?

Answer: Carbon dioxide (CO2)

7. What is the primary function of red blood cells in the human body?

Answer: Transporting oxygen

8. Which is the longest bone in the human body?

Answer: Femur

9. What is the chemical formula for water?

Answer: H2O

10. What vital bodily function does the liver perform?

Answer: Detoxification

11. Which gas in the Earth’s atmosphere forms the ozone layer, shielding us from ultraviolet (UV) radiation?

Answer: Ozone (O3)

12. What is the scientific discipline that studies fungi called?

Answer: Mycology

13. What gas do plants produce when they respire?

Answer: Oxygen (O2)

14. What is the fundamental unit of heredity in living organisms?

Answer: Gene

15. What part of the human brain regulates essential life functions such as breathing and heart rate?

Answer: Medulla oblongata

16. Which process of cell division results in two identical daughter cells?

Answer: Mitosis

17. What is the field of science that examines the relationships between organisms and their environments?

Answer: Ecology

18. Which is the smallest bone in the human body?

Answer: Stapes bone in the ear

19. Which gas is the most abundant in Earth’s atmosphere?

Answer: Nitrogen (N2)

20. What pigment is responsible for the color of human skin, hair, and eyes?

Answer: Melanin

21. What is the study of fossils and prehistoric life known as?

Answer: Paleontology

22. What plant part anchors it to the ground and absorbs water and nutrients?

Answer: Roots

23. What is the chemical symbol for gold?

Answer: Au

24. Which internal organ in the human body is the largest?

Answer: Liver

25. What is the name of the fluid-filled sac that surrounds and protects a developing embryo in the womb?

Answer: Amniotic sac

26. What is the term for the process in which animals shed their old exoskeletons to grow new ones?

Answer: Molting

27. In the immune system, what is the primary role of white blood cells?

Answer: Defending the body against infections

28. What is the chemical name for table salt?

Answer: Sodium chloride (NaCl)

29. Which is the largest mammal on Earth?

Answer: Blue whale

30. What scientific discipline focuses on the structure and function of cells?

Answer: Cytology


1. What is the SI unit for measuring force?

Answer: The Newton (N).

2. What is the velocity of light when it travels through a vacuum?

Answer: Approximately 299,792,458 meters per second (m/s).

3. Who is the scientist credited with formulating the theory of relativity?

Answer: Albert Einstein.

4. What is the first law of thermodynamics commonly known as?

Answer: It’s known as the law of energy conservation.

5. Which subatomic particle of an element determines its chemical properties?

Answer: Electrons.

6. What is the term for the direct transition of a solid into a gas without becoming a liquid?

Answer: Sublimation.

7. What do we call the resistance of a fluid to flow?

Answer: Viscosity.

8. Which law states that, at a constant temperature, the pressure and volume of a gas are inversely related?

Answer: Boyle’s law.

9. Inside an atom, where are protons and neutrons located?

Answer: In the nucleus.

10. What is the energy stored in an object due to its position or height above the ground called?

Answer: Gravitational potential energy.

11. Who is the scientist credited with the discovery of X-rays?

Answer: Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen.

12. What’s the force that opposes the movement of objects through a fluid, be it liquid or gas?

Answer: Drag or air resistance.

13. What is the unit for measuring electrical resistance?

Answer: Ohm (Ω).

14. In electronics, what does LED stand for?

Answer: Light Emitting Diode.

15. What is the smallest unit of an element that maintains its chemical properties?

Answer: Atom.

16. How is the process of heat transfer through a fluid, where the fluid’s motion plays a crucial role, defined?

Answer: Convection.

17. Who is the scientist known for formulating the laws of motion? –

Answer: Sir Isaac Newton.

18. What is the force that opposes the relative motion or tendency for motion between two surfaces in contact?

Answer: Friction.

19. What law states that the total electric charge in an isolated system remains constant?

Answer: The law of conservation of charge.

20. What is the phenomenon of light bending as it moves from one medium to another at an angle?

Answer: Refraction.

21. What is the smallest unit of light?

Answer: Photon.

22. What is the SI unit for measuring electric current?

Answer: Ampere (A).

23. What is the tendency of an object to remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force known as?

Answer: Newton’s first law of motion.

24. What is the unit used to measure electric potential difference?

Answer: Volt (V).

25. What’s the property of an object to maintain its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by a net external force?

Answer: Inertia.

26. Who is attributed with the discovery of the neutron?

Answer: James Chadwick.

27. What’s the force that opposes the relative motion between two surfaces in contact when one is sliding over the other?

Answer: Kinetic friction.

28. How is the process of heat transfer through electromagnetic waves described?

Answer: Radiation.

29. What is the law that states the total energy of an isolated system remains constant?

Answer: The law of conservation of energy.

30. What is the SI unit for measuring power?

Answer: Watt (W).


1.Gold is represented by which chemical symbol?


2 .What is the most abundant gas in Earth’s atmosphere?

Answer :Nitrogen (N2)

3. Provide the chemical formula for water.

Answer :H2O

4. Which gas is often referred to as “laughing gas”?

Answer: Nitrous oxide (N2O)

5. What is the atomic number of carbon?


6. What is the pH of a neutral solution?

Answer: 7

7. The chemical name for baking soda is?

Answer: Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)

8. When a liquid turns into a gas at its surface, it is called?

Answer: Evaporation

9. Which element is commonly used in fluorescent lights?

Answer: Mercury (Hg)

10. Provide the chemical formula for methane, the primary component of natural gas.

Answer: CH4

11. The chemical symbol for silver is?

Answer: Ag

12. Which gas is associated with the “greenhouse effect” in Earth’s atmosphere?

Answer: Carbon dioxide (CO2)

13. What is the smallest particle of an element that maintains its chemical properties?

Answer: Atom

14. During photosynthesis, what gas is produced by plants?

Answer: Oxygen (O2)

15. The chemical formula for table salt is?

Answer: NaCl (sodium chloride)

16. When a substance changes directly from a solid to a gas without becoming a liquid, it’s called?

Answer: Sublimation

17. The chemical symbol for iron is?

Answer: Fe

18. The study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter is known as?

Answer: Chemistry

19. What is the process of combining oxygen with a substance called?

Answer: Oxidation

20. The chemical formula for sulfuric acid is?

Answer: H2SO4

21. Which gas is responsible for the pungent odor of rotten eggs?

Answer: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)

22. The chemical symbol for lead is?

Answer: Pb

23. The primary gas found in Earth’s atmosphere is?

Answer: Nitrogen (N2)

24. Question: When a substance changes from a gas to a liquid, it’s called?

Answer: Condensation

25. The chemical formula for ammonia is?

Answer: NH3

26. What is the atomic number of oxygen?

Answer: 8

27. The chemical symbol for copper is?

Answer: Cu

28. The process of rusting in iron is a form of?

Answer: Oxidation

29. The chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide is?

Answer: H2O2

30. What is the chemical symbol for potassium?

Answer: K


1. Which planet holds the title of being the largest in our solar system?

Answer: Jupiter.

2. What is the name of the star closest to Earth?

Answer: The Sun.

3. Who was the first astronaut to set foot on the lunar surface?

Answer: Neil Armstrong.

4. What is the name of the galaxy that our solar system calls home?

Answer: The Milky Way.

5. What do we call the small, rocky objects orbiting the Sun, often referred to as “minor planets”?

Answer: Asteroids.

6. What force is responsible for keeping planets in orbit around the Sun?

Answer: Gravity.

7. By what nickname is the planet Mars commonly known?

Answer: The Red Planet.

8. What scientific process occurs within a star when it converts hydrogen into helium, releasing energy?

Answer: Nuclear fusion.

9. Who formulated the laws governing the motion of planets, known as Kepler’s laws?

Answer: Johannes Kepler.

10. Which moon, the largest in our solar system, orbits the planet Jupiter?

Answer: Ganymede.

11. Launched in 1990, this telescope has provided breathtaking images of distant celestial objects. What is its name?

Answer: The Hubble Space Telescope.

12. During a total solar eclipse, what is the term for the moment when the sky darkens in the middle of the day?

Answer: Totality.

13. Which famous comet makes a return visit to our solar system about every 76 years? Answer: Halley’s Comet.

14. What is the most abundant gas in Earth’s atmosphere?

Answer: Nitrogen.

15. When a star explodes and releases an enormous amount of energy, what do we call this event?

Answer: Supernova.

16. What’s the region beyond Neptune where numerous small, icy objects orbit the Sun?

Answer: The Kuiper Belt.

17. Which moon of Saturn is renowned for its water geysers and is considered a potential site for extraterrestrial life?

Answer: Enceladus.

18. Who is often credited with the discovery of Jupiter’s four largest moons, known as the Galilean moons?

Answer: Galileo Galilei.

19. When a star reaches a point of infinite density at the end of its life, what is it referred to as?

Answer: A black hole.

20. This planet is renowned for its intricate and beautiful ring system. What is its name?

Answer: Saturn.

21.What is the name of the largest volcano in the entire solar system, situated on Mars?

Answer: Olympus Mons.

22. When a star becomes a white dwarf after depleting its nuclear fuel, what is this process called?

Answer: Stellar evolution.

23. In 2012, which space agency successfully landed the Curiosity rover on Mars?

Answer: NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration).

24. Which astronomical instrument is employed to measure the brightness of stars and celestial objects?

Answer: A photometer.

25. What term describes the darkest part of a shadow during an eclipse?

Answer: Umbra.

26. What is the name of the bright star used as a reference point to locate the North Star, which remains nearly stationary in the night sky?

Answer: Polaris.

27. In 2006, which dwarf planet was demoted from its status as the ninth planet in our solar system?

Answer: Pluto.

28. What is the event where the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth’s surface?

Answer: Solar eclipse.

29. Which historic mission successfully landed the first humans on the Moon in 1969?

Answer: Apollo 11.

30. What term refers to a group of stars that form a recognizable pattern or shape in the night sky?

Answer: Constellation.

GK Questions from History:

1. Who is commonly referred to as the “Father of India”?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi.

2. Which ancient Egyptian structure was renowned for its colossal size?

Answer: The Great Pyramid of Giza.

3. Who served as the inaugural President of the United States?

Answer: George Washington.

4. What event marked the commencement of World War I in 1914?

Answer: The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.

5. Which pioneering aviator was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean?

Answer : Amelia Earhart.

6. In what year did Christopher Columbus initially set foot in the Americas?

Answer :1492.

7. Who led the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

Answer: Nikita Khrushchev.

8. Which ancient civilization is famous for its hieroglyphic writing system and pyramid construction?

Answer: Ancient Egypt.

9. What is the historical importance of the Magna Carta in English history?

Answer: It restricted the monarch’s power and established certain legal rights.

10. Who was the first Emperor of the Roman Empire?

Answer: Augustus (previously known as Octavian).

11. What was the name of the ship on which Charles Darwin embarked on his influential scientific voyage?

Answer: HMS Beagle.

12. Which conflict occurred between the North and South of the United States from 1861 to 1865?

Answer :The American Civil War.

13. Who was the final pharaoh of ancient Egypt?

Answer: Cleopatra VII.

14. Which Indian leader is renowned for his nonviolent struggle for India’s independence from British rule?

Answer: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

15. What historic document, signed in 1215, limited the monarchy’s powers in England?

Answer: The Magna Carta.

16. Who was the first woman to become the Prime Minister of India?

Answer: Indira Gandhi.

17. What was the name of the ship on which the Mayflower Pilgrims arrived in North America in 1620?

Answer: The Mayflower

18. Who co-authored the “Communist Manifesto” with Friedrich Engels?

Answer: Karl Marx.

19. Which empire, led by Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar, was one of the most influential in history?

Answer: The Roman Empire.

20. Who became the first African American President of the United States?

Answer : Barack Obama.

21. What historical event is often described as the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World”?

Answer:The Battles of Lexington and Concord, which marked the start of the American Revolution.

22. What was the primary cause of the Black Death in the 14th century?

Answer: Bubonic plague.

23. Which famed explorer is credited with the first circumnavigation of the globe?

Answer: Ferdinand Magellan.

24. In which year did the Berlin Wall come down, leading to the reunification of Germany?

Answer: 1989.

25. Who founded the Mughal Empire in India?

Answer: Babur.

26. What was the name of the ship that transported the Pilgrims to Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620?

Answer: The Mayflower.

27. Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to win Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields?

Answer: Marie Curie.

28. Who was the ancient Greek philosopher known for his contributions to ethics and teachings to Alexander the Great?

Answer: Aristotle.

29. What was the main objective of the Lewis and Clark Expedition in the early 19th century?

Answer: To explore and map the newly acquired Louisiana Territory in North America.

30. Who led the Indian independence movement and became India’s first Prime Minister?

Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru.

GK on Current Events:

1. Who is the current Prime Minister of India?

Answer: Narendra Modi

2. What is the capital of Ukraine?

Answer: Kyiv

3. What is the name of the global COVID-19 pandemic that began in 2020?

Answer: SARS-CoV-2

4. What is the name of the world’s largest social media platform?

Answer: Meta (formerly Facebook)

5. What is the name of the space telescope that launched in December 2021?

Answer: James Webb Space Telescope

6. What is the name of the new artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that can generate realistic text, translate languages, and write different kinds of creative content?

Answer: Bard

7. What is the name of the new virtual reality (VR) headset that was released in October 2022?

Answer: Meta Quest Pro

8. What is the name of the new cryptocurrency that was created by Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin in 2020?

Answer: Polygon (MATIC)

9. What is the name of the new social media platform that is popular among Gen Z users?

Answer: BeReal

10. What is the name of the new electric car that was released by Tesla in 2022?

Answer: Cybertruck

11. What is the name of the new planet that was discovered orbiting a distant star in 2022?

Answer: Kepler-186f

12. What is the name of the new dinosaur species that was discovered in Argentina in 2022?

Answer: Meraxes gigas

13. What is the name of the new medical breakthrough that could potentially cure HIV/AIDS?

Answer: Gene editing

14. What is the name of the new climate change initiative that was launched at the 2022 COP27 summit?

Answer: Global Methane Pledge

15. What is the name of the new space mission that is scheduled to launch in 2024?

Answer: Europa Clipper

16. What is the name of the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine?

Answer: Russo-Ukrainian War

17. What is the name of the new trade alliance between the United States, Mexico, and Canada?

Answer: USMCA (United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement)

18. What is the name of the new COVID-19 variant that was first identified in India in 2023?

Answer: Omicron BA.4.6

19. What is the name of the new economic crisis that is affecting many countries around the world?

Answer: Global cost of living crisis

20. What is the name of the new political movement that is gaining popularity in the United States?

Answer: Squad

21. Who is the current Secretary-General of the United Nations?

Answer: António Guterres

22. What is the name of the new FIFA World Cup champion?

Answer: Argentina

23. What is the name of the new James Bond actor?

Answer: Regé-Jean Page

24. What is the name of the new Nobel Peace Prize laureate?

Answer: Ales Bialiatski, Memorial, and the Center for Civil Liberties

25. What is the name of the new Olympic gold medalist in the men’s 100-meter dash?

Answer: Erriyon Knighton

26. What is the name of the new space tourism company that is planning to launch suborbital flights in 2023?

Answer: Virgin Galactic

27. What is the name of the new AI-powered chatbot that can help people with depression and anxiety?

Answer: Woebot

28. What is the name of the new social media platform that is popular among Gen Alpha users?

Answer: Roblox

29. What is the name of the new electric vehicle company that was founded by former Tesla CEO Elon Musk?

Answer: Rivian Automotive

30. What is the name of the new climate change activist group that is led by Greta Thunberg?

Answer: Fridays for Future.

GK on India:

1.What is the capital of India?

Answer: New Delhi

2. Which river is often referred to as the “Ganga” in India?

Answer: The Ganges River

3. Who is known as the “Father of the Nation” in India?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

4. What is the national flower of India?

Answer: Lotus

5.Which Indian festival is known as the “Festival of Lights”?

Answer: Diwali

6. Who wrote the Indian national anthem, “Jana Gana Mana”?

Answer: Rabindranath Tagore

7. What is the largest state in India by area?

Answer: Rajasthan

8. In which year did India gain independence from British rule?

Answer: 1947

9. Who is the current Prime Minister of India ?

Answer: Narendra Modi

10. What is the official currency of India?

Answer: Indian Rupee (INR)

11. Which famous monument in India was built by Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal?

Answer: The Taj Mahal

12. Which state in India is known as the “Land of Five Rivers”?

Answer: Punjab

13.What is the national emblem of India?

Answer: The Lion Capital of Ashoka

14.Who was the first woman Prime Minister of India?

Answer: Indira Gandhi

15.What is the national animal of India?

Answer: Bengal Tiger

16. Which mountain range separates India from China and Nepal?

Answer: The Himalayas

17. In which city would you find the historic Red Fort?

Answer: Delhi

18. Which state in India is famous for its backwaters and houseboats?

Answer: Kerala

19.What is the highest civilian award in India?

Answer: Bharat Ratna

20.Who was the first Indian to travel in space?

Answer: Rakesh Sharma

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